A Transitional Tale

Another piece of weird.

I made this.


Here is a short film for which I did the music. Hope you enjoy...

Viregalia was made by Di Mainstone and Leanna Palmer during a residency at Eyebeam Centre for Art and Technology in NYC.

Directed by Di Mainstone and Leanna Palmer
Photography by Leanna Palmer and John Grimshire
Costume by Di Mainstone
Edited by Judy Jacobs
Music by Ed Dowie
Starring Nathalie
With Special thanks to:
Jason Lim, Rachel Lamb, Jen Park, Brian Nussbaum and Kindall Almond

Eyebeam Centre for Art and Technology

Viregalia2 from Di Mainstone on Vimeo.

Lost at Sea

I thought I'd just post up an old song (from about 2000) which I still like. I thought I'd just put something up for once that wasn't absolutely f***ing mental! Just a demo really, but I think it still sounds OK. This was featured in 'Lost at Sea', a film directed by Tom Haines (http://www.tom-haines.com/) who I had the honour of working with whilst he made this really lovely film (although pretty awkward for me personally to watch) which is kinda about...well... me.

Anyway, enjoy the track and have a look at Tom's excellent video and film work on his site. I feel honoured to call him my friend.

Is this too sucky? Am I a twat? I think I probably am. Arghhhh. Anyway, here's the track:

Lost at Sea by eddowie


Put this date in your diary peeps. The Paper Cinema (with live music from me and Quinta - www.myspace.com/iquinta) are playing at Manifesto (The Nave, 1 St Paul's Road, N1) on the 17th July. If you're in London, do come along as it really should be a cool event.

Space Shipman

Here is a film made by Paul Ralph (award-winning director of 'Aardvark', and all-round super chappie). He asked me for a sort of stream-of-consciousness thing about space, and then he's gone ahead and made a lovely short film. Here is the blurb from the Vimeo page:

"A stream of consciousness experiment using words and music by Ed Dowie and basically putting visuals to them. Visuals have been manipulated and (badly) animated in Photoshop and After Effects. The idea was to do this as quickly as possible and not go back and tweak or alter anything, much like Ed's stream of consciousness ramblings about outer space."

The music is demo I made recently. The finished piece will most likely end up on my (as-yet-unnamed) EP/DVD, which should be released at the end of the year, so wash my face.

Space Shipman from Small Wolf on Vimeo.

A Serious Man

OK, it appears that stupid-Eddie-video-time can happen 2 days in a row. Here's another...thing. Oh yeah, and it's a bit green.

A Very Serious Message from Ed Dowie on Vimeo.

Sofa Interview

Not feeling too good this week, so obviously the only thing to do is to record a stupid video of me lying on the sofa. Enjoy it. That seems unlikely.

sofa interview from Ed Dowie on Vimeo.


OK. I've made a decision. Anyone who's spent any time in my company, knows this to be quite a rarity. I'm that annoying person who can't make up their mind about ANYTHING.

Anyway, after YEARS of procrastination and hiding and excuses and learning and not knowing where I'm heading etc etc etc, I am finally going to make a finished product!

I have made the decision to make an EP, but release it as a DVD, so it will include:
a number of tracks (to be decided)
A video for each track
Perhaps a few extra little videos
possibly.... a max/msp stand-alone application
The idea of doing it as a DVD is to try and find a way to link the silly and random videos I've been making with the silly and random music I've been making. The finished product I will aim to sell is going to be, let's face it, a bit weird. But I really want to make a go of this project, and experiment with the way I approach making music/videos/art/whatever it is. I've started planning deadlines, allotting times for different processes, brainstorming, and generally trying to break this project down into manageable chunks (basically trying to remember everything that Andy Hunt taught me at York!).

One of the questions that I need to work out, and I would be very interested to hear people's opinions on, is:

"How much content do I give out (put on the internet for free) during this process?"

Do I keep it all hidden until I release it?
Do I make stuff available as I create it?
Do I try and stick extra stuff online aside the project?
Do I give teasers?
Do I document the process?

I would be very interested, and grateful, if anyone had any advice/opinions/thoughts about this aspect of creating stuff in 2010. I personally feel that the way that both industry and culture have changed in the last few years is a tremendous opportunity to reconsider how we approach music/art/performance/whatever. Things have changed. Music is ubiquitous. And it is free.

I see this as a great opportunity to rethink what I can offer as a musician.

I'm tired now, but going to bed with a sense of purpose, with ideas bubbling up, and a determination to harness and manage these ideas, and actually bloody finish something!


Another SANDWICH track..

This one is called Elbow Witch...

Again, this is the collaboration between myself and Robin Foster, whereby one person records a part, then sends the track to the other person, who (in one take, and without listening to it first) records their part. A little experiment in non-isochronous (is that a word?) improvisation. Nice.


Another SANDWICH track

Here's another track me 'n' Robin did...


You've Got To Understand That, Ian*

Here's another video.

Apologies for the crude visual effects. I'm just trying stuff out in Motion.

*Credit must go to Paul Hanford as a co-creator of this stunning example of the English Language.

Check out his excellent blog:


Now watch this video:

You've Got To Understand That, Ian* from Ed Dowie on Vimeo.


Myself and Robin Foster have sporadically recorded music together over the past few years (calling ourselves SANDWICH), but we have recently started an experiment that Robin devised quite a while ago, and that we have finally started putting into practice. Essentially, it is improvisation that is carried out asynchronously, whereby one or other of us (we are alternating roles at the moment) will send the other a piece of music. The recipient of the music then decides on an instrument/technique/max patch/whatever to use, and without listening to it first, simply presses record, and improvises along. It is early days, but it's a really interesting idea, and I'm quite pleased with the results so far.

Here are a couple of examples:

LANDELOTTIE by SANDWICH by robinfoster

Moon woman by SANDWICH by robinfoster

Do Check out the rest of Robin's stuff on his Soundcloud site:


as well as his personal site:


Give me Coffee or Tea

Check out this website, cos it's well sick innit:


Really interesting stuff - FOLLOW THEM

It includes a video I did for their Krautrock section.

The Krautrock Party by Ed Dowie from Paul Hanford on Vimeo.

Introducing CRAZY GEORGE

CRAZY GEORGE give culinary advice...

Introducing CRAZY GEORGE from Ed Dowie on Vimeo.


Another video of an explorer discussing his view of the world...

Trip to the organic cafe from Ed Dowie on Vimeo.

Speaking Ill

Have I done anything recently? An update of things.

Speaking Ill from Ed Dowie on Vimeo.

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